Why Don’t I Fight Anymore?
Hello my name is Anthony Rodriguez (he/him). I was bornan d raised in Queens. I’m also Salvadoran American and can speak Spanish, although not perfectly, I feel like I’m fluent. My major is Mechanical engineering. I’m a transfer student from Queensborough Community College and this is my first semester at CCNY. My favorite book was “The Giver” by Lois Lowry because of the idea of true equality. Last time I read it I was 14 years old and that concept was interesting to read about as we clearly live in a world where things are not necessary equal. To be completely honest I need to reread that book because as a 21 year old man, my concept of the world has shifted. I personally don’t think that I have a problem with writing but if I had to say something, I would say that I’m direct to the point which can affect some of my essays. I started my martial arts training from 12 years old and stopped when I was 16 years old. When I was 12 I started my Muay Thai training and stopped when I was 14. At 14 I was 6’1″ and about 235 lbs and I had to fight grown men because the people close to my age were not as big or as strong as me. Also, my mom made me quit because she didn’t like the idea of me getting hit in the face by grown men and who would blame her. At that age, of course I didn’t want to quit but as I have gotten older, I appreciate her worrying about my safety and in hindsight it helped me manage school, wrestling, and Brazilian jiu jitsu more effectively. As I was already doing brazilian jiu jitsu and wrestling at 14, I went all in with that. However due to a bad experience in Brazilian jiu jitsu, I stopped that at 15. After that I went all in on wrestling but due to covid I had to stop at 16 and haven’t really gotten back in. At 16 I was 6’3” and was wrestling at 285 lbs but I would fluctuate between 270 lbs to 295 lbs. Now that I’m 21, people have asked me why I haven’t returned to that world again and honestly it’s way too complicated for me to write on this discussion board.
Happy Birthday to my 16 year old self. (So youthful and at my peak strength)